Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sorry I didn't post yesterday!

Okay, my bad for not posting yesterday, i had school, then homework, then a softball game and when i got back i was going to post, only to relize that my laptop had died because i was doing my homework!
Okay, i just finished the Return of the King and i cried for like an hour when it finished!! i was so sad! i knew how it would turn out but not only did the author stab you in the back with guilt, he twisted it too!! I'm a very sensative person, i cry at any sad book even if i know the outcome. I don't think i'll be able to start another series, maybe i'll start the Hobbit...
On a high note, we won our game. thats about the best of my day! I'm going 2 the barn tomorrow so i'll see Elrania! (i think...)
could one of you tell me how to respond to being tagged?
Celedey out... :p


  1. i did a movie tag for you, so you just haver to list YOUR top five fav movies. i can't come 2 the barn 2morrow cause it's my drama play!
