Saturday, May 16, 2009


Okay, so far so good. My Mom is trying very hard to get the massive 250lb lawn mower started i hope she succeds sometime soon...
I tried getting the hobbit from my local library and surprise surprise, its out with 3 holds. I have a feeling its going 2 be a while until i get it... Oh well, maybe my English teacher has it! Nothing much else to report except if anybody knows what a three way switch is in Electricity please tell me because all of the diagrams i find on the internet are very very confusing and my teacher won't tell anybody. Any of the explinations i find also don't make much sense...
I am now an outcast in my school because i like LoTR. I don't care what anybody (aka my sister) says INSULTS IN ELVISH ARE WAY COOLER than stupid ones in English!!! Ouch sis... need some ice 4 that burn?
BTW Le Hannon so much to Elrania 4 my 2 new awards!
Celedey outtie!


  1. do you know how to add it to your page for good? how dare ANYONE insult the elves! They are like the angels of Middle Earth!!!!! I'm an outcast too cause everyone is my school is obsessed with twilight. how can you even compare Edward Cullen and Aragorn? Aragorn is a much more noble and good hero. even the humans are better then the vampires!

  2. I am still somewhat of a Twilight Fan, but i just like them now. Still, no dissing Edward! (although Aragorn is WAY better!)
    and How do i add what to my page 4 good?

  3. Opps wait, never mind i fixed it!

  4. I've tagged you! It's a horse tag :)
